Book Coaching

Have You Always Wanted To Be A Writer

Do you have a book in your head, but you don’t know where to start? Learn how to generate story ideas, create structure and setting, and bring unforgettable characters to life with coaching from an award-winning novelist and author of a writer’s craft book. Now you can take your idea from concept to completion and become the author you’ve always wanted to be. I will be that person in your corner when you need to talk about the writing life, navigating criticism, rejection and ‘the wait’ while someone reads you. Here are some ways I can help:

The Write Formula Vip Package

12 weeks from idea generation to writing that book. Sparking your creativity with fun exercises, guiding you through character and plot development, boosting your setting and point of view, teaching you outline strategies and revision approaches –1’ve got you covered.

Full Manuscript Editorial Review And Coaching

A full, comprehensive read and review of your draft accompanied by an editorial report and in-person or virtual meetings to discuss the opportunities, decisions and strategies for revision presented in your book. Guidance through the revision process to navigate thematic and on-the-spot questions.

Developmental/Sectional Editing

Review of a section of your book and accompanying consultation to create a context for overcoming obstacles.

Revision Deep Dive

For writers in need of revision-specific feedback to sort through the often contradictory feedback received and identify/activate the right path forward.

Idea Generation And Brainstorming Sessions

Three one-hour long sessions to assist writers who have an idea of what they want to write but are uncertain how to proceed. We’ll create a network of possible avenues.

Query Letter Analysis And Agent Search

I’ll give you strategies and tips on how to find an agent and write the best possible query letter.

Coaching Reviews

“David’s thoughtful and incisive editing work, including deep thematic and structural guidance lifted my manuscript from a teetering new draft to a polished, well-developed one. David is the perfect editor who lasers in on areas that need clarification and development, but is also respectful of the author’s intentions. He’s encouraging and supportive, and also knows how to get the author to be her best self for her best work.”


Recipient of the 2018 Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition, 2017 Leapfrog Press Fiction Award, 2016 Gold Line Press Chapbook Prize, and three Pushcart nominations; 2018 Hawthornden Fellow and the 2017 Charlotte Sheedy Fellow at the MacDowell Colony; author of Trip Wires, Small Change, and Losing Touch

“I wholeheartedly recommend David Rocklin’s editorial services. He provides deep thematic and structural feedback on your process and gives valuable direction to your efforts. His compassionate guidance on how your work communicates to the reader is vital to both beginning and seasoned writers alike. Regardless of the length and scope of your project, David is always ready with encouragement and support through every step of the writing process. He is a master of community building in the literary scene and helps you network with people and agencies to get your words into the right publications and spaces. Engaging this talented coach is a worthy investment in yourself and your literary career.”


Author of 2 Revere Place, Pushcart nominee

“I found a lot of value in David’s editorial services. The written feedback he delivered was thorough and insightful. When we talked about my manuscript over the phone it was clear he’d read it closely and cared about the characters. Rather than giving me prescriptive advice, David asked smart questions and made keen observations that helped me gain new insight into my work.”


Editorial client

“David Rocklin takes you by the hand and travels with you into your work. With his no nonsense approaches and his calming voice will help you hone your work and make it the best it can be.”


Author of Harrowgate, Family Solstice

“Writers and writing instructors are in for a treat as they move through the chapters of David Rocklin’s excellent new craft book. His gentle, encouraging instruction will motivate writers to open up creatively and get words on the page. His wise, well-crafted exercises and knowledgeable advice about numerous aspects of craft will support teachers in inspiring their students. I highly recommend The Write Formula and will be using it myself.”



Flannery O’Connor Award-winning author of Light Skin Gone to Waste