Do you have a book in your head, but you don’t know where to start? I can help!
I’m David Rocklin, the author of two published novels (with a third coming out in 2024), I’ve also written a book for writers, and host a popular, long-running Los Angeles-based reading series. I’m the creator of The Write Formula Method, which I teach in writers’ retreats all over the world.
I always knew I wanted to be a writer, but I had no idea where or how to start. I was intimidated by the thought of writing an entire novel and didn’t know what I would do with it even if I did manage to start, let alone finish. I had no support, no plan and no one to turn to. But I did know this much: I wasn’t going to give up, and once I figured it out, I’d help others in my situation so they wouldn’t have to go through their own writing journey alone.
So, are you thinking about starting that novel, short story, or memoir? How long has the idea of writing been with you, but you can’t bring yourself to sit down and write?
Maybe you don’t know what to write about. Maybe it’s been really hard to figure out how or where to start, how to finish, or how to fill up all those pages in between. I know those feelings well, and I know how easy it is for those feelings to lead to putting things off, and then feeling guilty.
The whole concept of writing a story of any length, from beginning to end, can seem daunting when all you see before you is that empty page. It can feel like the act of writing, even the identity of “writer,” is out of your reach.
I’m here to tell you it isn’t!
From generating an idea to revising a completed story. I’ve created a formula that’s easy to understand. You’ll always know where you are in the process and what’s to come.
Are you ready to make your writing dream a reality? Let’s go!